Release date prediction, where to watch, cast, plot, and more
Produced by P.A. Works, Ya Boy Kongming is a musical-comedy anime that was adapted from Yuto Yotsuba's manga of the same name and became the fourth most-watched anime of July 2022. Ya Boy Kongming's first season ran from April 5, 2022, to June 21, 2022, and since its conclusion, fans have been eagerly awaiting the release of season 2.
Although the anime's creators have not made an official announcement about its renewal, there are rumors that the announcement of season 2 will be released soon. Despite not having any leads yet, if a new season gets announced, it will likely premiere in 2024.
Ya Boy Kongming season 2 may most likely be released next year
Ya Boy Kongming, aka Paripi Koumei, has quickly become popular with the release of season 1, which comprised 12 episodes and ran for two months. Through characterization and a quirky plot, the anime gained immense appreciation, and when an anime performs well, viewers set certain expectations.
Demand for an anime rises with rising popularity, making it the best opportunity for the makers to hold onto success by renewing the series. It is a common phenomenon in the television entertainment industry. Previously, many series have got renewed repeatedly due to its increasing demand. Ya Boy Kongming's case falls under the same category, which is why fans now believe that there will be a new season of Ya Boy Kongming coming out soon.
Even though there is no statement given by the makers, the possibility of receiving a new season is not zero. The first thing to look at while speculating a new season is the source of content. The first four volumes of Yuto Yotsuba's manga, which is illustrated by Ryo Ogawa, were adapted for 10 episodes. Thus, there is still a lot that can be covered in future installments.
However, there is still one concern that fans of the series have been entertaining. Ya Boy Kongming's animating studio, P.A. Works, majorly focuses on the original work of a series. As such, fans hope that the studio will make an exception in this case and choose to stick with the manga material.
If Ya Boy Kongming gets a new season, it is expected to be in 2024 and can probably be streamed on HIDIVE, just like the first season.
The cast list for Ya Boy Kongming season 2
With the renewal of Ya Boy Kongming, there won't be much change in the cast list as the plot will continue the story after just the fourth volume of the manga. In such a case, the expected cast list will see:
- 96Neko as Eiko Tsukimi (singing voice)
- Kaede Hondo as Eiko Tsukimi (speaking voice)
- Ryotaro Okiayu as Kongming
- Daichi Endō as Steve Kido
- Hibiku Yamamura as Nanami Kuon (speaking voice)
- Jun Fukushima as Owner Kobayashi
- Lezel as Nanami Kuon (singing voice)
- Mitsuaki Madono as Toshihiko Karasawa
- Narumi Kaho as Futaba
- Shizuka Ishigami as Ichika
- Shōya Chiba as Kabetaijin
The plot of the anime
The musical-comedy anime Ya Boy Kongming follows the story of Zhuge Liang Kongming, a well-known military strategist who perished in the Battle of Wuzhang Plains in the year 243. He wishes on his deathbed that his afterlife will be peaceful and devoid of violence.
However, he reincarnates as a young man in contemporary Japan and shows up during a Halloween costume party in Tokyo's club district. Shibuya's "Paripi," or "party people" in Japanese, entices him to a nightclub where he meets aspiring singer Eiko Tsukimi and the journey of his second life begins.
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