What happened to Darius Myles and Christopher Smith? A&E true crime show The First 48 to explore Gwi
The dual murder of two brothers from Gwinnett County, Darius Myles and Christopher Smith, is to be explored in the upcoming episode of The First 48.
Since 2004, the true-crime show has followed investigators during the crucial first 48 hours of a homicide case, providing viewers unprecedented access to crime scenes, interrogation techniques, and forensic analysis.
The episode, titled Green-Eyed Monster, will premiere on A&E this Thursday, May 19, 2022, at 9/8c. The official synopsis of the A&E episode reads,
"In Gwinnett County, two brothers are murdered in their sleep; detectives suspect they were betrayed by someone they knew."How did Darius Myles and Christopher Smith die?
Darius Myles, 28, and Christopher Smith, 23, were discovered dead in a Gwinnett County home on Oxford Hall Drive at the end of March 2021. The house, where both the brothers were found, was situated in a suburban neighborhood off of Five Forks Trickum Road SW, not far from Sugarloaf Parkway.
Around 4:41 p.m., Gwinnett County police claimed they received many calls from a screaming woman in the home's driveway. Detective Michael Truesdell reported on March 28, 2021,
"At 4:41 p.m., this afternoon, units from our south precinct responded to just a general call of a person screaming in a driveway. When they got here, they determined that it was a domestic-related call."However, as the police entered the home to ensure that everyone involved was safe, they discovered the two young men dead. The older one was later identified as Darius Myles, while the younger one was identified as Christopher Smith.
Tony Thomas, the Gwinnett County Bureau Chief for Channel 2, spoke with the devastated family. According to their sister, Deja Myles, both the men were shot in their sleep because the house was locked and everything was in order. She further said,
“I’m hurting because my younger brothers are dead. I don’t know what to do. I don’t know what to think. My mother went from six kids to four kids in a matter of seconds.”Debra said her mother discovered her brother dead on Sunday morning after no one could reach them on their cellphones. So she went to the house to see how they were doing. She further said,
“There was no broken glass. The doors were locked and everything.”While the case was still being investigated for a motive by investigators, a $10,000 reward had been offered by the family for any information that would lead to an arrest.
After two months of thorough investigation, a family friend, Walter Devron Hill, was arrested by the Gwinnett County police. The murder suspect from Lawrenceville is currently in custody at the Gwinnett County Detention Center on two counts of felony murder and two counts of aggravated assault.
Don't forget to watch the gut-wrenching episode of Darius Myles and Christopher Smith's story this Thursday, exclusively on A&E at 9/8c.
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